Over the years, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (IASP) has instituted various awards to encourage mental health professionals to excel in the field of social psychiatry. The awards are presented at the annual conference held every year. Only members of IASP are eligible to apply for any of the award categories. The announcement of results of all the Awards are made at the annual general body meeting. In all matters pertaining to the Awards, the decision of the Council shall be final and binding on all concerned. As per constitution rules, hard copies of award papers need to be submitted to the chairperson of the Awards Committee of the IASP.
Please submit ONE hard copy of award paper to the chairperson of the Awards Committee of the IASP at the following address.
Prof R K Chadda
Room number 4084, 4th Floor
Teaching Block
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar 110029, New Delhi
Also submit a soft-copy of the paper to the email: [email protected]
The following are the awards of the Association:
Dr. N N De Oration Award
1. The oration award will be declared one year in advance at every annual conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry. Any Fellow of the IASP with at least 10 years of professional standing can propose the name of any other Fellow of the IASP for the oration award. The nominee should be a Fellow of the IASP and should have a minimum of 25 years of professional standing. The proposal including six copies of the bio-data of the nominee must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date determined by the Council of the IASP. The proposal must be accompanied by a written consent of the nominee. Soft copies of the proposal and declaration should also be submitted.
2. A panel of judges shall rate the nominations. Nominee’s contributions to the social psychiatry in India and to the Indian Association for social Psychiatry will be the basis for ratings. The nomination securing the highest total marks (out of 100) shall win the award, subject to ratification by the Awards Committee and the council of the IASP. In case of tie, the concerned nominations shall be re-assessed by another panel of judges. To win an award not less than 50% of the full marks must be obtained by a nominee. Assessment would be done as per the following guidelines:
a. Contribution to the service and development of social psychiatry in India – 30 marks
b). Contribution to the IASP – 30 marks
c). Contribution to teaching, training and research in Social Psychiatry – 20 marks
d). Overall seniority in profession, recognition, and professional standing – 20 marks
3. The oration paper will become the property of the IASP and shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry with necessary editorial corrections. The speaker will pass on the oration paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry as soon after the annual conference as possible for publication in the Journal.
4. The speaker can choose any topic for the oration. He shall intimate the title of the oration to the Chairman, Awards Committee at least three months prior to the Conference.
5. No person shall win the Award more than once.
Dr. Venkoba Rao Oration Award
- The oration award will be declared one year in advance at every annual conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry.
- Any Fellow of the IASP with atleast 10 years of professional standing can propose the name of any other Fellow of the IASP for the oration award. The nominee should be a Fellow of IASP and should be above 55 years of age.
- The proposal including six copies of the bio-data of the nominee must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date determined by the Council of the IASP. The proposal must be accompanied by a written consent of the nominee. Soft copies of the proposal and declaration should also be submitted.
- A panel of judges shall rate the nominations. Nominee’s contributions to the social psychiatry in India and to the Indian Association for social psychiatry will be the basis for ratings. The nomination securing the highest total marks (out of 100) shall win the award, subject to ratification by the Awards Committee and the council of the IASP. In case of tie, the concerned nominations shall be re-assessed by another panel of judges. To win an award not less than 50% of the full marks must be obtained by a nominee.
- Assessment would be done as per the following guidelines:
- Contribution to the service and development of social psychiatry in India – 30 marks
- Contribution to the IASP – 30marks
- Contribution to teaching, training and research in Social Psychiatry – 20 marks
- Overall seniority in profession, recognition, and professional standing – 20 marks
- The oration paper will become the property of the IASP and shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry with necessary editorial corrections. The speaker will pass on the oration paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal.
- The speaker can choose any topic related to social psychiatry for the oration. He shall intimate the title of the oration to the Chairperson, Awards Committee at least three months prior to the Conference.
5. No person shall win the Award more than once.
Balint Award
1. Four copies of the paper, maximum 10-12 pages of A4 size, typed in double space must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee, by the stipulated date. Soft copies of the paper and declaration should also be submitted.
2. The paper must be a single-authored paper. The author must be a member in good standing of the IASP, with a minimum of 5 years of professional experience. The paper shall be rated on the basis of written manuscript on the following criteria.
Exposition: The presentation of a truly personal experience of a therapist-patient relationship (Manuscripts of a former medical thesis or diploma cannot be accepted).
Reflexion: A description of how a therapist actually experienced such a relationship, either individually or as part of a treating team. This could reflect multiple relations between therapist and the staff of various specialties, and working routine within different institutions.
Action: The therapist’s perception of the demands he or she felt exposed to and an illustration of how he then actually responded.
Progression: A discussion of possible ways in which future medical and paramedical training might enhance the state of awareness for individual care giver, a procedure which tends to be neglected at present.
3. Written text and presentation will carry 60% and 40% marks respectively. To be eligible for presentation, the written version must score at least 50% (30 out of 60) marks. The paper receiving maximum total marks will be adjudged as winner. The Award winning paper must secure not less than 50% of the total marks. Decisions of judges shall be final. Award shall be won only once by any author.
4. The judges assessing the paper for Award shall not contest for the Award. Members of the Awards Committee, if desirous of contesting, will not participate in the evaluation process.
5. The award paper will become a property of the IASP, a copy of which will be sent to the Foundation of Psychosomatic & Social Medicine, Ascona, Switzerland by the Secretary-General. The paper shall be published in the IJSP.
6. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. The awardee will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal
Dr. G C Boral Award
- The award will be given to the best paper presented by a member of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry
- For any paper to be considered for either Award, it must be based on research work done in India on any aspect of social psychiatry. It must not have been submitted to, accepted for publication, or published in a scientific journal at the time of submission of the award paper to IASP, nor presented at a national and international conference earlier. The principal author, the author presenting the paper and atleast 50 percent of all authors must be members of the IASP at the time of closing date for the award. Not more than two papers will be considered from any member, as the principal author, for the Award.
- For consideration for the Award, 4 copies of the full paper must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council. The papers should be prepared in accordance with the “Instruction to Contributors” of the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. It or a significantly similar paper must not have earlier received an Award of the IASP. Soft copies of the paper and declaration should also be submitted.
- The papers submitted shall be rated both on the basis of written manuscript and the presentation which will represent 75 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively of the total marks of assessment. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 50 per cent of the full marks allotted for the written version (i.e. 37.5 out of 75). The paper securing the highest total marks shall win the Award. Furthermore, the Award winning paper must secure not less than 50 per cent of the full marks.
- None of the judges assessing for the Award shall be contestant for this Award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other Award.
- All the authors of the winning papers shall be considered to have won the Award and will be issued certificates. The Award money will be shared by the all the authors. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. The principal author will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal.
- No person shall win the Award more than once as principal author.
Dr. B B Sethi Award
- For any paper to be considered for either Award, it must be based on research work done in India on any aspect of social psychiatry. It must not have been submitted to, accepted for publication, or published in a scientific journal at the time of submission of the award paper to IASP, nor presented at a national and international conference earlier. The principal author and at least 50 percent of all authors must be members of the IASP at the time of the closing date of the award. Not more than two papers will be considered from any member, as the principal author, for the Award.
- For consideration for the Award, 4 copies of the full paper must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council. The papers should be prepared in accordance with the “Instructions to Contributors” website address of the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. It or a significantly similar paper must not have earlier received an Award of the IASP.
- The papers submitted shall be rated both on the basis of written manuscript and the presentation which will represent 75 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively of the total marks of assessment. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 50 per cent of the full marks allotted for the written version (i.e. 37.5 out of 75). The paper securing the highest total marks shall win the Award. Furthermore, the Award winning paper must secure not less than 50 per cent of the full marks.
- None of the judges assessing for the Award shall be contestant for this Award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other Award.
- All the authors of the winning papers shall be considered to have won the Award and will be issued certificates. The Award money will be shared by the all the authors. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. The principal author will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal.
- No person shall win the Award more than once as principal author.
Dr. V K Varma Award
1. The Award is open to all the members who have published a paper in social psychiatry based on original research in any Indian Journal in the preceding two years.
2. The first author and 50% of all the authors should be a member of the IASP. For consideration for the Award, 4 copies of the published paper must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council. Soft copies of the published paper and declaration should also be submitted.
3. None of the judges assessing for the Award shall be contestant for this Award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other Award.
4. All the authors of the winning papers shall be considered to have won the Award and will be issued certificates. The Award money will be shared by the all the authors.
5. No person shall win the Award more than once as principal author.
Dr. J K Trivedi Award
1. The Award would be given to the best paper presented in the Annual National Conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry by a young member of IASP as the principal author, who must be below 35 years of age at the time of submission of the award material. The paper would be judged by the panel of judges formed by the Awards Committee, and be given by the organizing committee of the conference.
2. For any paper to be considered for this Award, it must be based on dissertation submitted during post-graduation or PhD in psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychiatric social work or psychiatric nursing. The subject area should relate to social psychiatry. The paper must not have been submitted to or accepted for publication, or published in a scientific journal at the time of submission of the award paper to IASP, nor presented at a national and international conference earlier.
3. The principal author and at least 50 percent of all authors must be bonafide members of the IASP at the time of the submission of the award material. Only one paper will be considered from any member, as the principal author, for this Award.
4. For consideration for the Award, 4 copies of the full written version of the paper must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council. The actual poster need not be submitted before-hand. The paper should be prepared in accordance with the “Instruction to Contributors” of the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. It or a significantly similar paper must not have earlier received an Award of the IASP. In addition, the principal author must furnish proof of his/her age at the time of submission of the award paper, and specify with names that he/she and at least 50 percent of all authors are bonafide members (of any category) of IASP at the submission of the award material.
5. The papers submitted shall be rated both on the basis of written manuscript and the presentation which will represent 75 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively of the total marks of assessment. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 50 per cent of the full marks allotted for the written version (i.e. 37.5 out of 75). The paper securing the highest total marks shall win the Award. Furthermore, the Award winning paper must secure not less than 50 per cent of the full marks.
6. None of the judges assessing for the Award shall be contestant for this Award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other Award.
7. All the authors of the winning papers shall be considered to have won the Award and will be issued certificates. The Award money will be shared by the all the authors. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. The principal author will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal.
Dr. Anil Malhotra Award
Dr Anil Malhotra award has been instituted in the memory of Dr Anil Malhotra, Former Secretary General, President Elect and President of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry. Detailed rules for the award would be:
1. The Award would be given to the best paper among those submitted for consideration of this award, in the field of Drug addiction. In order to compete for this award:
a. The full manuscript of the paper must be submitted by a young member of IASP as the principal author (defined as the first author who will also the corresponding as well as presenting author), who must be below 40 years of age at the time of submission of the paper.
b. The paper must be presented in the Annual National Conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry.
2. The paper would be judged by the panel of judges formed by the Awards Committee, and be given by the organising committee of the conference.
3. For any paper to be considered for this Award,
a. It must be based on subject area related to social psychiatry in the field of Drug Addiction.
b. It must not have been submitted to or accepted for publication, or published in a scientific journal at the time of submission of the award paper to IASP, nor presented at any national and international conference earlier.
c. It or a significantly similar paper must not have earlier received an Award of the IASP.
d. The principal author and at least 50 percent of all authors must be bonafide members of the IASP at the time of the submission of the award material.
e. Only one paper will be considered from any member, as the principal author, for this Award.
4. For consideration for the Award, 4 copies of the full written version of the paper must be submitted to the Chairperson, Awards Committee by a date to be determined by the Executive Council (and as advertised on the website of the IASP / conference website). The paper should be prepared in accordance with the “Instruction to Contributors” of the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. In addition, the principal author must furnish proof of his/her age at the time of submission of the award paper, and specify with names that he/she and at least 50 percent of all authors are bonafide members (of any category) of IASP at the submission of the award material.
5. The papers submitted shall be rated both on the basis of written manuscript and the paper presentation which will represent 75 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively of the total marks of assessment. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 50 per cent of the full marks allotted for the written version (i.e. 37.5 out of 75). The paper securing the highest total marks shall win the Award. Furthermore, the Award winning paper must secure not less than 50 per cent of the full marks.
6. None of the judges assessing for the Award shall be contestant for this Award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other Award.
7. The award would consist of a scroll and cash award of Rs. 10000.
8. All the authors of the winning papers shall be considered to have won the Award and will be issued certificates. The Award money will be shared by the all the authors. The Award winning paper shall be published in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. The speaker will send the paper to the Editor, Indian Journal of Social within 2 weeks of the last date of the annual conference for publication in the Journal.
The announcement of all the Awards shall be made at the annual general body meeting. In all the matters pertaining to the Awards, the decision of the Council shall be final and binding on all concerned