Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (IASP) institutes various sponsorships to promote growh in the field of social psychiatry. As of 2018, the IASP is pleased to announce two financial sponsorship of INR 50,000/- each for academic and community activities conducted under the banner of the Association. The following are the rules for application.
Two activities will be conducted under the aegis of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry in the months of March and August every year.
The Educational Activity (e.g., workshops, CMEs, conferences, seminars etc.) will be held in March and Community Activity (e.g., social service development, delivery, IEC activity etc.) will be conducted in August respectively.
To support these activities, IASP has created an event grant scheme upto INR 50,000 for each of these activities.
Any IASP fellow is eligible to apply for the sponsorship. He/she would be required to fill the “Activity Proposal Form” and submit a proposal along with full justification for funds.
All proposals will be evaluated by the Executive Council of the IASP and decisions of the EC will be considered binding.
The Organizing Secretary of the activity will be asked submit a brief summary and copy of proceedings report within a period of three months of completion of the activity.
The person/authority, in whose favour grant was released, will be required to submit an audited statement of accounts/utilization certificate within a period of three months of completion of the activity.
The application form can be downloaded from below. Please complete the form. Subsequently the form can be digitally signed or scanned for upload. Please Login or Register to submit application.
Please Login or Register to submit application.